

   文通過談論或說理來表白作者的看法跟主意. 作者對某一問題持有一種見地,為了使讀者批準自己的見解,提出若干理由,打算壓服別人.
   一 談論文的三因素:
   論點 是作者在中提出的對某一個問題或某一類事件的意見、觀點、主意,它請求要準確 、赫然、有針對性。一篇議論文只能有一個核心論點.論點個別在開頭提出,而后加以論證.
   論據(jù) 是證明論點準確的證據(jù),要想證明論點的正確,首先,論據(jù)必需讓人感到實在、可托, 可能充足證實論點。其次,論據(jù)要存在典范性,網(wǎng)上購物英語作文隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的幫助,購物是不是一件困難的工作,只需點擊鼠標,選擇你喜歡的文章,并完成購物。能收到 以一當十 的效果。第三,論據(jù)要 新鮮, 盡可能尋找一些新穎的、能給人以新的感觸和啟發(fā)的論據(jù).普通是以事實為論據(jù),也能夠應用成語,格言,名人名言作為論據(jù).
   論證 是議論文中必不可少的局部。一段完全的議論,只有通過論證證實論據(jù)跟論點之間的內(nèi)在邏輯關聯(lián),能力將論據(jù)和論點融為一體,也才干形成一篇完全的、有壓服力的。
   二 討論文的類型:
   1 一分為二 的觀點.從兩方面去剖析一個問題,而后論述本人的觀點.
   2 兩者選一 的觀點.剖析兩種事物的優(yōu)劣勢,論述本人的觀點.
   3 我以為 型.闡述對某一事物的客觀意見. 如 你對課外瀏覽的見地
   4 怎樣(how to) 型.分析怎么解決一個問題如 怎么戰(zhàn)勝學習中遇到的艱苦
   .5 看圖(表)作文.通過瀏覽圖表中的數(shù)字與名目得出一個論斷或構成一種見解.
   一) 一分為二 觀點的論說文模式
   第1段:nowadays more and more people./.plays an important part in. like everything else, .has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects/both advantages and disadvantages. generally, th。英語作文是指用英語針對某一內(nèi)容寫出一篇文章;是英語考試最常見的一種題目類型。e favorable aspects/advantages can be listed as follows.
   main body
   第2段:firstly,. secondly,in addition/whats more
   第3段: every coin has two sides. the negative aspects/disadvantages are also apparent/obvious. to begin with, to make matters worse, worse of all
   第4段: through above analysis/all things considered, we can see that the positive aspects/advantages outweigh the negative ones/disadvantages. therefore
   一分為二 類作文典范
   說廣告(about advertisement).
   二) 兩者選一 觀點的論說文模式
   第1段:some people hold the opinion that (a) is superior to (b) in many ways. others, however, argue that (b。水資源短缺因為地球上水的總量一定,飲用淡水的總量則更少,隨著利用和不合理浪費越來越劇烈,水資源缺乏問題日益明顯。) is much better. personally, i would prefer (a) because i think (a) has more advantages.
   main body
   第2段:there are many reasons why i prefer (a). the main reason is that another reason is that(贊成a的起因)
   第3段: of course, choosing (b) also has advantages to some extent, (列出1~2個b的上風)
   第4段: but if all these factors are considered, (a) is much better than (b). from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that (總結觀點)
   模式⑵: a、b上風相稱,依情形而定,有前提地抉擇a或b.
   第1段:which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between (a) and (b) before you make the decision, you had better make a close comparison.
   main body
   第2段:it is true that(抉擇a的優(yōu)勢之一). it is also true that(取舍a的優(yōu)勢之二). but (挑選a的劣勢).


